Monday, April 25, 2011

Pretty Much Picasso!

Pretty Much Picasso has made a splash in the greenhouse this season! The first planting has sold out so make sure you order a basket for our  second planting available  
Memorial Day! Only $19.99
Pretty Much Picasso is one of the Supertunia series. Its a very fun flower that has tons of beautiful blooms. The flower is a beautiful magenta with deep purple veins and center. The uniqueness of this petunia is in the lime green tips that frame the flower. It makes for such an eye catching addition to your garden! This plant never needs pinching, the blooms self-clean! I know you all love that!

Pretty Much Picasso reaches just 8 to 12 inches high, but spreads several feet wide. The baskets in our greenhouse reach over 3.5". They love the sun and need water regularly, but don't worry they are hearty plants and will continue blooming all throughout the summer and into early fall!

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