Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rose of the week...Hot Merengue

Hot Merengue has a very unique color. Yellow with some hot pink edges. Nice petal count. As you can see it opened up nicely. Not much of a scent, but it caught people's attention at the front counter. Try out this beautiful rose in your Spring arrangements!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rose of the week- Esperance

Here is our rose of the week. Esperance is a light pink rose with creamy outer petals. It has a very large head and petals that are slightly ruffled. Very beautiful rose.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Bedding Plant Update

Here is how the bedding plants are doing this week.

The Geraniums are already starting to fill out the pots!It is starting to feel like Spring already!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Romance Rose Update

Here is how the rose of the week Romance is doing. It is opening up nice and full and lightening just a bit.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Rose of the Week...Romance

The rose of the week is in honor of the upcoming celebration of love. Romance is a light pink rose with some variations in the intensity of the pink.  The heads are smaller with a classic rose shape.